I am writing a plugin that offers an admin menu item which only a specific, custom user role ("customrole" in the example) can access. I have implemented this as follows, and it works:

function add_admin_menu() {

The problem is that the administrator does not have the rights to access this menu item anymore; I would like administrators to still be able to access it, however (and the "customrole"-users). How can I achieve this?

I am using the "Members" plugin to create custom user roles if that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer 1


You shouldn't use Roles to handle permissions for your menu page. Instead, use capabilities, and then assign those capabilities to whichever roles should have access.

For example, instead of creating a customrole role, use a custom capability like manage_custom_plugin:


Now, using the Members plugin you can enter manage_custom_plugin into the "Custom Capability" box, and add it to whichever roles you need.

In code you would grant this capability to roles using WP_Roles::add_cap(), like so:

$roles = wp_roles();

$roles->add_cap( 'administrator', 'manage_custom_plugin' );
$roles->add_cap( 'editor', 'manage_custom_plugin' );

Just be aware that these functions write to the database, so should only be run once, on plugin or theme activation.

  • I see, thank you very much!
    – Yato
    Commented Apr 14, 2020 at 8:32

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