Hi all, I'm a newb here, but hoping someone might have the answer to my question.
Within my functions.php file, I have this code:
//Contractor Page meta box details
'title'=>'Contractor Page Details',
'label'=>"First Header Link Heading",
'label'=>"First Header Link Text",
'label'=>"First Header Link Url",
'label'=>"Second Header Link Heading",
'label'=>"Second Header Link Text",
'label'=>"Second Header Link Url",
'label'=>"Page Heading",
'label'=>"Page Sub Heading",
'label'=>"First Intro Text",
'label'=>"Second Intro Text",
'label'=>"Video link",
'label'=>"Main Content Heading",
'label'=>"Main Content",
'label'=>"Bottom Heading",
'label'=>"Bottom Content",
'label'=>"Bottom Link Text",
'label'=>"Bottom Link Url",
'label'=>"First Line Right Column",
'label'=>"Last Line Right Column",
I also have this code:
// Embed YouTube videos with "youtube" shortcode
function youtube($atts) {
"value" => '',
"width" => '475',
"height" => '350',
"name"=> 'movie',
"allowFullScreen" => 'true',
), $atts));
return '<object style="height: '.$height.'px; width: '.$width.'px"><param name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="'.$allowFullScreen.'"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="'.$allowScriptAccess.'"></param><embed src="'.$value.'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="'.$allowFullScreen.'" allowScriptAccess="'.$allowScriptAccess.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'"></embed></object>';
add_shortcode("youtube", "youtube");
I'm trying to place the "video_link" from the first code into "value" from the second code (where it says "WHAT-TO-PUT-HERE".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.