When i'm going to active my plugin that i create for sample , wordpress got me 1 unexpected output during activation !
This plugin actually has nothing but a Shortcode that will echo Hello !
I followed these steps but nothing didn't change :
1- save My plugin with other names ( Folder and plugin name etc.)
2- Copy/paste codes in other php file that i created in Cpanel file manager
3- changing my encode to UTF-8 (Without BOM ) in Notepad++
Please help me with this issue. my plugin code is
* Plugin Name: ARU V1
* Plugin URI: Mysiteadress.com
* Description: arv
* Author: Myname was here
* Author URI: Mysiteadress.com
* Version: 1.5
* Text Domain: pnl
function upnl() {
echo "hello";
add_shortcode( 'pnlsc', 'upnl' );