be gentle, I'm pretty new (just over from Joomla).
This is part of an array...
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $item_1_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_url( wp_get_attachment_url($row['item_code1']) ) . '</td></tr>';
It works fine, but at the front end, the output is plain text. I can't seem to figure out how to render an encoded URL (clickable link).
Should I be using get_attachment_link or 'image source'?
Any help would be gratefully received.
Complete php (pertinent lines; 203, 403, 463)
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; }
/** * Class WC_LD_Code_Assignment * * assign codes when user pruchase a product */ class WC_LD_Code_Assignment {
public function setup() {
// assign codes on processing or complete order status
$delivery_order_status = get_option( 'wc_ld_delivery_order_status' );
$order_status = ( empty( $delivery_order_status ) ? 'completed' : $delivery_order_status );
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_' . $order_status, array( $this, 'assign_license_codes_to_order' ), 10, 1 );
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_item_meta_start', array( $this, 'display_license_codes_in_user_account' ), 10, 3 );
add_action( 'woocommerce_email_after_order_table', array( $this, 'email_after_order_table' ), 100, 4 );
add_filter( "woocommerce_can_reduce_order_stock", array( $this, 'dont_reduce_order_stock' ), 10, 2 );
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_changed', array( $this, 'manage_stock_for_simple_products' ), 100, 3 );
* As we disabled auto stock reduction for all product
* here, we reduce order manually for simple products
* @param $order_id
* @param $old_status
* @param $new_status
* @return bool
public function manage_stock_for_simple_products( $order_id, $old_status, $new_status ) {
if ( is_object( $order_id ) ) {
$order_id = $order_id->id;
// if order stock already reduced
if ( get_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_stock_reduced', true ) ) {
return false;
if ( $new_status == 'processing' || $new_status == 'completed' ) {
// get the order details
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
$order_items = $order->get_items();
$reduced = false;
foreach ( $order_items as $item ) {
$qty = $item['qty'];
if ( $item['product_id'] > 0 ) {
$is_license_code = get_post_meta( $item['product_id'], '_wc_ld_license_code', true );
if ( empty( $is_license_code ) || $is_license_code == 'no' ) {
$_product = $order->get_product_from_item( $item );
if ( $_product && $_product->exists() && $_product->managing_stock() ) {
if(version_compare( WC_VERSION, '3.0.0', '>' )){
$new_stock = wc_update_product_stock($item['product_id'], $qty, 'decrease' );
$new_stock = $_product->reduce_stock( $qty );
$item_name = $_product->get_sku() ? $_product->get_sku() : $item['product_id'];
if ( isset( $item['variation_id'] ) && $item['variation_id'] ) {
$order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Item %s variation #%s stock reduced from %s to %s.', 'highthemes' ), $item_name, $item['variation_id'], $new_stock + $qty, $new_stock ) );
} else {
$order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Item %s stock reduced from %s to %s.', 'highthemes' ), $item_name, $new_stock + $qty, $new_stock ) );
if(version_compare( WC_VERSION, '3.0.0', '>' )){
$order->send_stock_notifications( $_product, $new_stock, $item['qty'] );
$reduced = true;
if ( $reduced ) {
add_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_stock_reduced', '1', true );
* @return bool
* prevent payment proccessing addons to reduce stock. It is done with this plugin
public function dont_reduce_order_stock( $current_value, $order ) {
return false;
* @param $order
* @param $sent_to_admin
* @param $plain_text
* @param $email
* included the license codes in the order email sent to the user
public function email_after_order_table( $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text, $email ) {
if ( is_object( $order ) ) {
$delivery_order_status = get_option( 'wc_ld_delivery_order_status' );
$order_id = $order->get_id();
$order_status = ( empty( $delivery_order_status ) ? 'completed' : $delivery_order_status );
if ( $order->get_status() == $order_status ) {
echo $this->get_assigned_codes( $order_id );
* @param $order_id
* get the assigned codes to an order
* @return string|void
public function get_assigned_codes( $order_id ) {
if ( is_object( $order_id ) ) {
$order_id = $order_id->id;
// get the order details
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
// check order items to get quantity and product id
$order_items = $order->get_items();
$codes_table = '';
foreach ( $order_items as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! isset( $value['license_code_ids'] ) ) {
$license_code_ids = is_array($value['license_code_ids']) ? $value['license_code_ids']: unserialize( $value['license_code_ids'] );
if ( empty( $license_code_ids ) ) {
$product_id = (isset($value['variation_id']) && !empty($value['variation_id'])) ? $value['variation_id'] : $value['product_id'];
$rows = WC_LD_Model::get_codes_by_id( implode( ",", $license_code_ids ) );
$code_1_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 1, $product_id );
$code_2_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 2, $product_id );
$code_3_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 3, $product_id );
$code_4_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 4, $product_id );
$code_5_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 5, $product_id );
$description = get_post_meta( $value['product_id'], '_wc_ld_product_code_description', true );
$codes_table .= '<h3>' . $value['name'] . '</h3>';
$codes_table .= '<div style="padding-bottom:20px;">' . $description . '</div>';
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$codes_table .= '<table class="td" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" style="margin-bottom:20px;width: 100%; font-family: \'Helvetica Neue\', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif;" border="1">';
$codes_table .= ' <tbody>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code1'] ) ) {
$codes_table .= '<tr><th class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;width:40%; background-color:#eeeeee;">' . esc_html( $code_1_title ) . '</th><td class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;">' . esc_html( $row['license_code1'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code2'] ) ) {
$codes_table .= '<tr><th class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;">' . esc_html( $code_2_title ) . '</th><td class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;">' . esc_html( $row['license_code2'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code3'] ) ) {
$codes_table .= '<tr><th class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;">' . esc_html( $code_3_title ) . '</th><td class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;">' . esc_html( $row['license_code3'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code4'] ) ) {
$codes_table .= '<tr><th class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;">' . esc_html( $code_4_title ) . '</th><td class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;">' . esc_html( $row['license_code4'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code5'] ) ) {
$codes_table .= '<tr><th class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;">' . esc_url( wp_get_attachment_url($code_5_title) ) . '</th><td class="td" scope="col" style="text-align:left;">' . esc_html( $row['license_code5'] ) . '</td></tr>';
$codes_table .= '</tbody></table>';
return $codes_table;
* @param $order_id
* do the license code assignment to order
public function assign_license_codes_to_order( $order_id ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( is_object( $order_id ) ) {
$order_id = $order_id->id;
// get the order details
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
// check order items to get quantity and product id
$order_items = $order->get_items();
// assign license codes to order items
foreach ( $order_items as $item_id => $item ) {
// if there is no code assigned to this order item
if ( empty( $item['license_code_ids'] ) ) {
// if product has marked as license code product
$is_license_code = get_post_meta( $item['product_id'], '_wc_ld_license_code', true );
if ( empty( $is_license_code ) || $is_license_code == 'no' ) {
$this->assign_license_to_item( $item_id, $item, $order, $order_id );
* @param $item_id
* @param $item
* @param $order
* @param $order_id
* does the license assignment for each order item
public function assign_license_to_item( $item_id, $item, $order, $order_id ) {
global $wpdb;
$product_id = (isset($item['variation_id']) && !empty($item['variation_id'])) ? $item['variation_id'] : $item['product_id'];
$qty = $item['qty'];
// get license codes from databse based on requested qty
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->wc_ld_license_codes}
WHERE product_id = $product_id
AND license_code1 <> ''
AND license_status = '0'
LIMIT $qty" );
// build an array of license code ids
foreach ( $rows as $query ) {
$license_code_ids[] = $query->id;
// only assign license codes if we have the requested quantity of the item
if ( count( $license_code_ids ) == $qty ) {
// save the order id in license codes table
$this->assign_order_id_to_license_codes( $order_id, $license_code_ids );
// save the assigned license codes in order item meta
wc_add_order_item_meta( $item_id, '_license_code_ids', $license_code_ids );
// change sold license codes status to sold
WC_LD_Model::change_license_codes_status( implode( $license_code_ids, ',' ), '1' );
// reduce stock
$_product = $order->get_product_from_item( $item );
if ( $_product && $_product->exists() && $_product->managing_stock() ) {
if(version_compare( WC_VERSION, '3.0.0', '>' ) ){
$new_stock = wc_update_product_stock($product_id , $qty, 'decrease' );
update_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_stock_reduced', '1', true );
$new_stock = $_product->reduce_stock( $qty );
update_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_stock_reduced', '1', true );
$item_name = $_product->get_sku() ? $_product->get_sku() : $item['product_id'];
if ( isset( $item['variation_id'] ) && $item['variation_id'] ) {
$order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Item %s variation #%s stock reduced from %s to %s.',
'highthemes' ), $item_name, $item['variation_id'], $new_stock + $qty, $new_stock ) );
} else {
$order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Item %s stock reduced from %s to %s.',
'highthemes' ),
$item_name, $new_stock + $qty, $new_stock ) );
if(version_compare( WC_VERSION, '3.0.0', '>' )){
$order->send_stock_notifications( $_product, $new_stock, $item['qty'] );
} else {
$order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Not enough license code available for product <strong>%s</strong>.',
'highthemes' ),
$item['name'] ), 1, false );
* @param $order_id
* @param $license_code_ids
* saves order id into license codes table for later usages
public function assign_order_id_to_license_codes( $order_id, $license_code_ids ) {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query( "UPDATE {$wpdb->wc_ld_license_codes} SET order_id=$order_id
WHERE id IN (" . implode( $license_code_ids, ',' ) . ")" );
* @param $item_id
* @param $item
* @param $order
* displays the purchased license codes in my account page
* @return bool
public function display_license_codes_in_user_account( $item_id, $item, $order ) {
if ( ! is_account_page() && !is_wc_endpoint_url( 'order-received' ) ) {
return false;
if ( empty( $item['license_code_ids'] ) ) {
return false;
$license_code_ids = is_array( $item['license_code_ids']) ? $item['license_code_ids']:unserialize( $item['license_code_ids'] );
$rows = WC_LD_Model::get_codes_by_id( implode( ",", $license_code_ids ) );
$product_id = (isset($item['variation_id']) && !empty($item['variation_id'])) ? $item['variation_id'] : $item['product_id'];
$code_1_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 1, $product_id );
$code_2_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 2, $product_id );
$code_3_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 3, $product_id );
$code_4_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 4, $product_id );
$code_5_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 5, $product_id );
// checking the user capability
echo '<table class="license-codes-table" style="width:100%;">';
echo ' <tbody>';
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
echo '';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code1'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_1_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_html( $row['license_code1'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code2'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_2_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_html( $row['license_code2'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code3'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_3_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_html( $row['license_code3'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code4'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_4_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_html( $row['license_code4'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code5'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_5_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_url( wp_get_attachment_url($row['license_code5']) ) . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr class="order-gap"><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>';
echo '</tbody></table>';
* @param $item_id
* @param $item
* @param $order
* displays the purchased license codes in my account page
* @return bool
public function display_license_codes( $item ) {
//echo $this->get_assigned_codes(15);
$license_ids=wc_get_order_item_meta( $item->get_id(), '_license_code_ids' );
if ( empty( $license_ids ) ) {
return false;
$license_code_ids = is_array( $license_ids)
? $license_ids
: unserialize( $license_ids );
$rows = WC_LD_Model::get_codes_by_id( implode( ",", $license_code_ids ) );
$product_id = (isset($item['variation_id']) && !empty($item['variation_id'])) ? $item['variation_id'] : $item['product_id'];
$code_1_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 1, $product_id);
$code_2_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 2, $product_id );
$code_3_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 3, $product_id );
$code_4_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 4, $product_id );
$code_5_title = WC_LD_Model::get_code_title( 5, $product_id );
// checking the user capability
echo '<table class="license-codes-table" style="width:100%;">';
echo ' <tbody>';
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
echo '';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code1'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_1_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_html( $row['license_code1'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code2'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_2_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_html( $row['license_code2'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code3'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_3_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_html( $row['license_code3'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code4'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_4_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_html( $row['license_code4'] ) . '</td></tr>';
if ( ! empty( $row['license_code5'] ) ) {
echo '<tr><th>' . esc_html( $code_5_title ) . '</th><td>' . esc_url( wp_get_attachment_url($row['license_code5']) ) . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr class="order-gap"><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>';
echo '</tbody></table>';
* @param $code
* this function used to mask license codes
* @return string
public function mask_license_code( $code ) {
if ( is_admin() && ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
if ( strlen( $code ) <= 4 ) {
$padsize = 2;
$n = - 2;
} else {
$padsize = strlen( $code ) - 4;
$n = - 4;
return str_repeat( '*', $padsize ) . substr( $code, $n );
} else {
return $code;