I have a custom table in the WP database called wp_products. It has columns titled ID, SKU, Details and Page. I'm trying to search this table via the default search box, so I've replaced my search.php file with the code below. This isn't working and I don't know enough PHP to fix it. Can anyone help me out with this?
* Author:
* Created on:
* @package Neve
function search_it() {
if ( is_search() && isset( $_GET['s'] ) ) {
global $wpdb;
$address_table = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_products";
$search = $_GET['s'];
$search = "%{$search}%";
$where = $wpdb->prepare( 'WHERE SKU LIKE %s OR Details LIKE %s OR Page LIKE %s', $search, $search, $search );
$results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$address_table} {$where}" );
return $product;
return array();
$container_class = apply_filters( 'neve_container_class_filter', 'container', 'blog-archive' );
$cities = search_it();
if ( ! empty( $cities ) ) {
echo '<h1>Catalogue Search Results:</h1>';
foreach( $cities AS $city ) {
echo "<table width='100%' align='center' border='3px solid grey'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th style='background: #B9C9FE;'>Part Number</th>";
echo "<th style='background: #B9C9FE;'>Description</th>";
echo "<th style='background: #B9C9FE;'>Page</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tbody>";
for ($i=$start;$i < $end ;++$i ) {
$results = $results[$i];
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>$city->SKU</td>";
echo "<td>$city->description</td>";
echo "<td>$city->Page</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table>";
Here's the updated code:
Template Name: Search Page
function search_it() {
$search = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 's', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
if ( ! is_search() || empty( $search ) ) {
return array();
global $wpdb;
$address_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'products';
$search = $wpdb->esc_like( $search );
$search = "%{$search}%";
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}products WHERE SKU LIKE %s OR Details LIKE %s OR Page Like %s";
$query = $wpdb->prepare( $query, $search, $search, $search );
return $wpdb->get_results();
$cities = search_it();
if ( ! empty( $cities ) ) {
echo '<h1>Catalogue Search Results:</h1>';
echo "<table width='100%' align='center' border='3px solid grey'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th style='background: #B9C9FE;'>Part Number</th>";
echo "<th style='background: #B9C9FE;'>Description</th>";
echo "<th style='background: #B9C9FE;'>Page</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tbody>";
foreach( $cities AS $city ) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>{$city->SKU}</td>";
echo "<td>{$city->Details}</td>";
echo "<td>{$city->Page}</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table>";
} else {
echo "<h1 class='page-title'>";
printf( __( 'There are no search results for: %s', 'shape' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' );
echo ".</h1>";
Here's the print_r( $wpdb->prepare( $query, $search, $search, $search ) ); die; output:
SELECT * FROM wp_products WHERE SKU LIKE '{feeb191b44038789f6b0c639a9f2fe6ff48090427c92513c8582b33a4cbf1c42}GASKET{feeb191b44038789f6b0c639a9f2fe6ff48090427c92513c8582b33a4cbf1c42}' OR Details LIKE '{feeb191b44038789f6b0c639a9f2fe6ff48090427c92513c8582b33a4cbf1c42}GASKET{feeb191b44038789f6b0c639a9f2fe6ff48090427c92513c8582b33a4cbf1c42}' OR Page Like '{feeb191b44038789f6b0c639a9f2fe6ff48090427c92513c8582b33a4cbf1c42}GASKET{feeb191b44038789f6b0c639a9f2fe6ff48090427c92513c8582b33a4cbf1c42}'
The above is the output I get when I run this query:
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}products WHERE SKU LIKE %s OR Details LIKE %s OR Page Like %s";