I used Divi to build the layout for a custom 404 page. I'm using this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/redirect-404-error-page-to-homepage-or-custom-page/ to redirect 404 errors to this page. It works, but when I run tools like screaming frog, it returns broken pages as 301 redirects, which I guess is expected.
What I would prefer however is for my 404.php template to include the page I built, so that I can still accurately track my 404 errors. I'm thinking of something like:
require(/*Some function to get my entire custom 404 page by slug or ID*/;)
What I tried:
//Redirect to our custom 404 page
function wf_404(){
//Check if custom 404 page exists to protect against infinite loop
if (is_404() && get_page_by_path('/404-page/', OBJECT)){
wp_safe_redirect(get_site_url() . '/404-page/', 404);
add_action('get_header', 'wf_404');
This gives me a general browser 404 error.
call in your 404 template like any other page and then use the page structure from your regular page template file and instead of using the loop justecho apply_filters('the_content', $page->post_content);
is the results ofget_post('ID_of_your_page')
. It's not ideal as it requires hard coding the page ID into your template but it will get the job done if no one else has a better answer.