I'm trying to write reusable functions in a plugin and call the functions within a shortcode. But, I can't get any output. Why don't either of these methods work?
function say_sup(){
return 'sup';
add_shortcode( 'sup_shortcode', 'register_sup_shortcode' );
function register_sup_shortcode( $atts, $content = null) {
$sup = say_sup();
return $sup;
function say_sup(){
$sup = 'sup';
echo $sup;
var_dump( $sup );
add_action( 'say_sup_now', 'say_sup', 1 );
add_shortcode( 'sup_shortcode', 'register_sup_shortcode' );
function register_sup_shortcode( $atts, $content = null) {
do_action( 'say_sup_now' );
echo do_shortcode('[your-shorcode]') ;