I've created a post edit form in front-end of the site, this form is accessible on the front-end ONLY if the user is logged in. Now, for some reason, upon a certain condition is met, I want to DISABLE user capability to edit or delete the post and keep it read only.

I've modified the above mentioned user's capabilities (using a plugin) and have confirmed it via user_can( $user, $capability ) that the user no longer has edit_posts and delete_posts capability.

Now the issue is, the user is still able to edit or delete post(s) via front-end form or delete link. Is there something I am missing? Do I manually have to hook into some action/filter to stop edit/delete_posts action? If so, how can I do it?

Note: All relevant edit_*_posts and delete_*_posts are also disabled.

1 Answer 1


By using this functionality we can able to remove the delete option of the page or post.

function wp_restrict_page_deletion( $caps, $cap, $user_id, $args ) 
   $post_id = $args[0];
   if ( $cap === 'delete_post' && $post_id === your post id* ) 
       $caps[] = 'do_not_allow';
   return $caps;
 add_filter( 'map_meta_cap', 'wp_restrict_page_deletion', 10, 4 );

I think this one is apt for your requirement.

your post id*->Here you need to give the post id of the page or posts,thats you need to remove the delete option.

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