The goal is to make my hidden Wordpress site go from (which I have now) to replace the olde site at (which is what I want when I take my WP site live). In previous questions this article came up in regard to changing the URLs:
My old URL points to the old html site while the /subdir Wordpress site is new and improved. The plan is to institute an instant and permanent switch to the Wordpress site in the subdirectory, but to use the main directory as the link.
The problem I have is that there are a lot of links within my wordpress site to and and so on. Will that be a nightmare to clean up manually or will link change to become once the switch is made, making the "/subdir" mention completely disappear? Is there any software or a plugin that can just do a global URL update across my site so every just becomes automatically?
I'm getting nervous as it comes time to take it live and I've never done this kind of thing before. Please let me know what I can expect when everything changes over and what will make it as easy as possible. Thank you!