I have a custom post type which has one Title, and two meta box custom fields as

$price = isset( $we_productMetas['price_box'] ) ? esc_attr( $we_productMetas['price_box'][0] ) : '';
$color = isset( $we_productMetas['color_box'] ) ? esc_attr( $we_productMetas['color_box'][0] ) : '';

and I have some data in a CSV file in this format


Using following code I am able to load the title of the post properly and publish the CSV but I am missing the price and color metadada

Can you please take a look at this demo and let me know what I am doing wrong at

      $post["id"] = wp_insert_post( array(
                "post_title" => $post["title"],
                "post_type" => $cpt["custom-post-type"],
                "custom-field-1" =>$cpt["custom-field-1"],
                "custom-field-2" =>$cpt["custom-field-2"],
                "post_status" => "publish"

Here is the entire code

add_action( "admin_notices", function() {
    echo "<div class='updated'>";
    echo "<p>";
    echo "To insert the posts into the database, click the button to the right.";
    echo "<a class='button button-primary' style='margin:0.25em 1em' href='{$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]}&insert_cpt_posts'>Insert Posts</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</div>";

add_action( "admin_init", function() {
    global $wpdb;
if ( ! isset( $_GET["insert_cpt_posts"] ) ) {

$cpt = array(
    "custom-field-1" => "price_box",
    "custom-field-2" => "color_box",
    "custom-post-type" => "women_eyeglasses"

$posts = function() {
    $data = array();
    $errors = array();

    // Get array of CSV files
    $files = glob( __DIR__ . "/*.csv" );
    foreach ( $files as $file ) {
        if ( is_readable( $file ) && $_file = fopen( $file, "r" ) ) {
            $post = array();
            $header = fgetcsv( $_file );
            while ( $row = fgetcsv( $_file ) ) {
                foreach ( $header as $i => $key ) {
                    $post[$key] = $row[$i];
                $data[] = $post;
            fclose( $_file );

        } else {
            $errors[] = "File '$file' could not be opened. Check the file's permissions to make sure it's readable by your server.";

    if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) {


    return $data;

$post_exists = function( $title ) use ( $wpdb, $cpt ) {
$posts = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT post_title FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = '{$cpt["custom-post-type"]}'" );
      return in_array( $title, $posts );

    foreach ( $posts() as $post ) {
            if ( $post_exists( $post["title"] ) ) {

            // Insert the post into the database
            $post["id"] = wp_insert_post( array(
                "post_title" => $post["title"],
                "post_type" => $cpt["custom-post-type"],
                "custom-field-1" =>$cpt["custom-field-1"],
                "custom-field-2" =>$cpt["custom-field-2"],
                "post_status" => "publish"


1 Answer 1


Your metas need to be passed to wp_insert_post() as an array like so:

// Insert the post into the database
$post["id"] = wp_insert_post( array(
    "post_title" => $post["title"],
    "post_type" => $cpt["custom-post-type"],
    "meta_input" => array(
        "custom-field-1" =>$cpt["custom-field-1"],
        "custom-field-2" =>$cpt["custom-field-2"],
    "post_status" => "publish"


  • Thanks a lots Lewis, I updated the code based on your help but I was not getting anything in metas. So I changed the "custom-field-1" =>$cpt["custom-field-1"], to "price_box" =>$cpt["custom-field-1"], and the ` "custom-field-2" =>$cpt["custom-field-2"],` to "colors\_box" =>$cpt["custom-field-2"], now this is storing strings of price_box and colors_box from the $cpt [] but looks like is not reading the data from the CSV
    – Mona Coder
    Commented Aug 30, 2018 at 18:00

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