Lets say I accept guest post submissions. On the post archive page I have the image the user uploaded with the post on the left and an excerpt of the post on the right.
Unless I programmatically prevent the users from uploading images of various sizes and aspect ratios, they will certainly do so. But one doesn't want all sorts of different image sizes appearing on the archive page, they should all be roughly the same size/aspect ratio.
In the case of different sizes but the same aspect ratio the solution isn't too difficult - simply choose the desired size and resize the image appropriately. In most cases this will work perfectly (sure there will be outliers).
But what about in the case of different aspect ratios? Here things become much more difficult. Do we force the user to crop their image to an aspect ratio? If so, how? Do we auto crop the image to the desired aspect ratio? Or do we simply contort the image to the desired dimensions without concern for aspect?
Would love to hear how folks are solving this programmatically or through plugins.