I'm trying to display related posts on my taxonomy page, but not sure how to work out the second loop. I have shared taxonomys among posts, and on this page it shows post type A with tags "Light".
Some of the posts with tags "Light" are NOT post type A. So I have the following:
<?php $related = array(); ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php if(get_post_type() == 'Type_B' || get_post_type() == 'Type_C'){
array_push($related, $post);
} ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
This works fine. But then later down on the page where I want to loop type B and C I thought it would be simple to make a similar loop. But the wp_query array seems to be special? Even though my array contains posts.
while($related->have_posts()) { $related->the_post();
I get the following error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function have_posts() on array
I've tried $relatedList = new WP_query($related);
but it's not right. Any tips?
Edit: Hm seems like I might have been going about this the wrong way. Where I have my second loop I still have access to the main loop, so I could just do an reveres post-if-check there. Is this what I should be doing? (code-standard-wise)