I would like to show certain Custom Fields below my Editor. At the moment I only have athe dropdown field but there's so many metas inside which I am not using. By publishing 60-100 posts a day it is really time consuming searching for the respective custom field.
I found the following code somewhere to permenantly display the Custom Field but it does not seem to work.
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes_tender', 'lamosty_add_tender_meta_data' );
function lamosty_add_tender_meta_data( WP_Post $tender ) {
// Add the meta data you want the custom post type to have
$tender_meta_data = [
foreach ( $tender_meta_data as $meta ) {
add_post_meta( $tender->ID, $meta, '', true );
My desired outcome is that every time I create a new Post the respective Custom Fields are always there and I don't need to look them up in the dropdown. For example like the picture below.
Pleas note that for every new post the values of the Custom Field change!
Do I or does my request make sense?