I'm using Contact Form 7 in my wordpress installation. I need to somehow pass a hidden field with the current page url in the contact form hidden field. I tried their custom function and tried the short code, no luck.

wpcf7_add_shortcode('sourceurl', 'wpcf7_sourceurl_shortcode_handler', true);

function wpcf7_sourceurl_shortcode_handler($tag) {
    if (!is_array($tag)) return '';

    $name = $tag['name'];
    if (empty($name)) return '';

    $html = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="http://' . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . '" />';
    return $html;

In the form edition I tried [sourceurl thesource]

4 Answers 4


See this example on how to create and parse the shortcode in the contact form 7 to use it add [current_url]

add_action( 'wpcf7_init', 'wpcf7_add_form_tag_current_url' );
function wpcf7_add_form_tag_current_url() {
    // Add shortcode for the form [current_url]
    wpcf7_add_form_tag( 'current_url',
            'name-attr' => true

// Parse the shortcode in the frontend
function wpcf7_current_url_form_tag_handler( $tag ) {
    global $wp;
    $url = home_url( $wp->request );
    return '<input type="hidden" name="'.$tag['name'].'" value="'.$url.'" />';

Also if its all about to get the URL in the email you dont need all of this. there is a special tag for the email [_url] CF7 Special mail tags

  • It forks for me if replace $tag['name'] with $tag['type']: return '<input type="hidden" name="'.$tag['type'].'" value="'.$url.'" />';
    – userlond
    Commented Mar 25, 2022 at 7:53

according to Contact Form 7 documentation you need this:

[_url] — This tag is replaced by the URL of the page in which the contact form is placed.

reference: https://contactform7.com/special-mail-tags/

  • 3
    +1 for the common sense to read the docs :) Commented Jul 8, 2021 at 12:57

You can use cf7 hidden field shortcodes + get parameters: https://contactform7.com/hidden-field/ https://contactform7.com/getting-default-values-from-the-context/

In the mail form I use such shortcodes to get these slugs

[hidden utm_source default:get]
[hidden utm_medium default:get]
[hidden utm_campaign default:get]
[hidden utm_content default:get]
[hidden gclid default:get]

It also works with their flamingo plugin. And for mail template [_url] works very well.


the form submit already send the container post then you just need to retrive it in and put it in the e-mail.
For that, try this code :

add_filter("wpcf7_posted_data", function ($wpcf7_posted_data) {

    $post = get_post($wpcf7_posted_data["_wpcf7_container_post"]);

    $wpcf7_posted_data["containerURL"] = get_permalink($post);

    return $wpcf7_posted_data;


And in the edition of the sent e-mail, you retrieve the URL with [containerURL]

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