I'm finding the way to add a hook to my woo commerce check out page (http://localhost/checkout) I'm tend to send cart items and billing address, user information to another page such as http://localhost/hooking after clicking Place Order button for more further purpose, is it possible, and how to do it?
1 Answer
For this three possibilities:
If you really want to do it on order place you would have to use the hook:
However I would recommend you use the hook:
This would make sure that the order is finished when you send then information.
To catch the information before billing you could always use:
If this still isn't working you could check the hook list:
You then would simply have something like:
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed', 'wc_send_order_to_mypage' );
function wc_send_order_to_mypage( $order_id ) {
$shipping_add = [
"firstname" => $order->shipping_first_name,
"lastname" => $order->shipping_last_name,
"address1" => $order->shipping_address_1,
"address2" => $order->shipping_address_2,
"city" => $order->shipping_city,
"zipcode" => $order->shipping_postcode,
"phone" => $order->shipping_phone,
"state_name" => $order->shipping_state,
"country" => $order->shipping_country
//from $order you can get all the item information etc
//above is just a simple example how it works
//your code to send data
Since the ultimate goal is to have your own payment system I would recommend you check out this tutorial that explains how to integrate your own payment gateway
How about using this hook: woocommerce_review_order_after_submit . The problem is, my localhost/hooking is a php page, I've tried putting some code like
global $woocommerce; $items = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart(); function process_payment($order_id) { $order = new WC_Order($order_id); return array('result' => 'success', 'redirect' => $order->get_checkout_payment_url( true )); }
but it seem doesn't work Commented Jan 22, 2018 at 3:49 -
The code I gave you should be in a plugin or in the functions.php of your theme and in that function
you make a post request to your php page for instance– MedericCommented Jan 22, 2018 at 3:56 -
Thank you, but how can I get the item list and bring it to
? Commented Jan 22, 2018 at 4:01 -
If you dont know how to make a redirection in php you shouldn't be coding something like this. check this: skyverge.com/blog/…– MedericCommented Jan 22, 2018 at 4:03
Yahh, iI'll check that out, thank for you help, mate. Thank a lot !!!!. Commented Jan 22, 2018 at 4:33