I have a meta field called (sizes_avaliable) for my custom post type , and it looks like this :
sizes_avaliable for post id 1: 15-25-35-45
sizes_avaliable for post id 2: 55-65-75-85
and I have a search input that users can search their particular size in dropdown like this :
I need Size between:
11-19 ;
31-39 ;
51-59 ;
81-89 ;
So ,, if user searched for size from the drop-down ( 11-19 ) .. it will list the post id (1) because it has numbers (15) in the range ,
so I tried this query .
$meta_query = array(
'key' => 'sizes_avaliable',
'value' => '11-19',
'compare' => '=',
but this doesn't show any results ..
can you help ??
thanks :)
update :
this is screenshot for my records :
... so for example.. i need a user when he search 150-200
it will show the highlighted post ID because it has value 192
thanks. –
. You would have more success using a taxonomy to store size data because a taxonomy query allows you to query for an array of term IDs.