I have been having server 500 errors on 3 separate WordPress websites over the last while. (The problem BTW does seems to be related to the wordpress_logged_in***** cookie because deleting that always solves the problem temporarily) but this is not really my question ...
In the course of investigating this issue I turned on debugging and logging on two of he websites and I got this message in each site
[07-Jul-2017 12:21:51 UTC] WP_Community_Events::maybe_log_events_response: Valid response received. Details:
{"api_url":"https://api.wordpress.org/events/1.0/","request_args":{"body":{"number":5,"ip":"","locale":"en_US","timezone":"Europe/Dublin"}},"response_code":200,"response_body":{"location":{"ip":""},"events":"1 events trimmed."}}
Does anybody know what it might be referring to. The IP address is local, and it's from MY IP provider, but it's not my IP, or the IP of my client, plus it's the same IP on both sites ( which have no connection except me )
I couldn't find much information but this page https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_community_events/maybe_log_events_response/ seems to suggest that it might not be an error. Could anyone confirm this?