I have a form to create new post and I pass my post_category into post creating array, but it not insert into that category , it insert into Uncategorized category.And I want to see the post using the menu that I created using categories.

I pass may data to following array to create post.Its working but it insert post into Uncategorized(default) category. any solution?

 $post = array('post_type'=>'post',
              'post_title'  => 'Test Title',
              'post_category' => '679'

2 Answers 2


The post_category parameter has to be an array, try this:

$post = array('post_type'=>'post',
 'post_title'  => 'Test Title',
 'post_category' => array('679')

Ref: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_insert_post#Parameters

If that doesn't work for you, try using category_name:

'category_name' => 'category_name',
  • unfortunately I have Sub categories with same name under different main categories Commented Apr 17, 2017 at 11:54
  • OK, but did adding the category ID as an array work? Commented Apr 17, 2017 at 13:43

Issue is in following line

'post_category' => array('679')

Use 'post_category' => array(679) without single quote.

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