I am using "ugly" permalinks and they are fine in index.php and single.php. I also have a template called sidebar.php that builds a sidebar when at the article/post level. When clicking categories and tags on the sidebar I am then returned with a 404. The actual format is:
As opposed to what I am expecting for ugly permalinks (and it shows in index.php and single.php):
My tags are defined like this:
function printTags($tags){
if ($tags!=false) {
$return = '';
foreach ($tags as $i){
$return .= '<li><a href="' . home_url() . "/tag/" . $i->slug . '">' . $i->name . '</a></li>';
return $return;
function getTags($tagData){
$tagArray = [];
foreach ($tagData as $i){
array_push($tagArray, $i->name);
return $tagArray;
My HTML/PHP is as follows:
function newSuggestion($itemTitle, $sectionSlug, $section, $image, $url, $tags){
echo "<li class='row class'>
<div class='col item'>
<div class='row img-container'>
<div class='col'>
<a href='{$url}'><img src='{$image}' alt='No Image'/></a>
<div class='row anotherclass'>
<div class='categories-container'>
<strong><a href='". home_url() ."/category/". $sectionSlug."'>{$section}</a></strong>
<div class='tags-container'>
<ul class='tags'>". printTags($tags) ."</ul>
<div class='row title-container'>
<h2 class='h3'><a href='{$url}'>{$itemTitle}</a></h2>
Where am I going wrong?
Thank you
Here is my getPosts function from sidebar.php:
function getPosts($posts, $numSuggestion){
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
if ($post->ID!=get_the_ID() && $GLOBALS['currentSuggestion']<$numSuggestion && !in_array($post->ID, $GLOBALS['$alreadySuggested'])){
$imageUrl = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID));
if ($imageUrl == false){
$imageUrl = getDefaultImage();
newSuggestion($post->post_title, get_the_category($post->ID)[0]->slug, get_the_category($post->ID)[0]->name, $imageUrl, get_permalink($post->ID), get_the_tags($post->ID));
array_push($GLOBALS['$alreadySuggested'], $post->ID);
I have attempted this:
<div class='categories-container'>
<strong><a href='". home_url() ."/category/?cat=". $cat_ID."'>{$section}</a></strong>
But with no success, is that the right direction. Where do I make the modification in order to get the categories URL in the format "home_url/category/?cat=123"?
Not sure I am going towards the right direction, but I have managed to get the right URL, however it returns a 404 (as opposed to categories at article/home level)
I have modified the getPosts function so that get_the_category
is mapped to the cat_ID rather than the slug (I am not sure that is the right approach):
newSuggestion($post->post_title, get_the_category($post->ID)[0]->cat_ID, get_the_category($post->ID)[0]->name, $imageUrl,
then my newSuggestion function has:
<div class='categories-container'>
<strong><a href='". home_url() ."/category/?cat=". $sectionSlug."'>{$section}</a></strong>
Any idea why I am still hitting a 404, while the same URL is functioning in other parts of the site (e.g. home/index or article)?
I finally got the categories working with this:
<div class='categories-container'>
<strong><a href='". get_term_link( $sectionSlug) . "'>{$section}</a></strong>