I'm using shortcode to process my HTML form. However, upon submit no result is being displayed. I'm not getting where I'm going wrong.

function installer(){
register_activation_hook( __file__, 'installer' ); //executes installer php when installing plugin to create new database

//result display form begins

function display_result_form_fields(){
    ob_start(); ?> 
        <form id="result_form" action="" method="POST">
                    <label for="rollNumber"><?php _e('Roll Number'); ?></label>
                    <input name="rollNumber" id="rollNumber" class="required" type="number"/>
                    <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Submit'); ?>"/>
    return ob_get_clean();

function form_processing(){
    global $wpdb;
    $student_id = $_POST['rollNumber'];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `wp_xenonresult` WHERE `student_id` = $student_id";
    $result = $wpdb->get_row($query);
    echo "Dear student, congratulations";}

//shortcode begins here
function result_form() {
            $output = display_result_form_fields();
            return $output;

add_shortcode('result_form', 'result_form'); //create shortcode
add_filter('widget_text','do_shortcode'); // Enable shortcodes in text widgets
  • I think its because your function form_processing() is echoing the value and you are returning $output Why dont you try function result_form() { ob_start(); form_processing(); $output = display_result_form_fields(); return ob_get_clean(); }
    – bagpipper
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 10:39
  • @bagpipper With slight modification, this works very well. Can you please teach me proper use of ob_start() and return ob_get_clean() in this case?
    – Himanshu
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 11:25

2 Answers 2


You missed name attribute of <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Submit'); ?>"/> HTML tag.


It should be looks like: <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php _e('Submit'); ?>"/>

Else, You have to change if condition inside function form_processing()

OLD: if(isset($_POST['Submit'])){

Replace with: if(isset($_POST['rollNumber'])){

Hope this will helps you.

  • Thank you. I just noticed this. I have corrected this and also added option to hide the form after submit button has been clicked. Now everything works fine.
    – Himanshu
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 11:20

With the help of @bagpipper and @AddWeb-Solution-Pvt-Ltd I finally managed to sort this issue.


function installer(){
register_activation_hook( __file__, 'installer' ); //executes installer php when installing plugin to create new database

//result display form begins

function display_result_form_fields(){
    ob_start(); ?> 
        <form id="result_form" action="" method="POST">
                    <label for="rollNumber"><?php _e('Roll Number'); ?></label>
                    <input name="rollNumber" id="rollNumber" class="required" type="number"/>
                    <input type="submit" name = "submit" value="Submit"/>
    return ob_get_clean();

function form_processing(){
    global $wpdb;
    $student_id = $_POST['rollNumber'];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `wp_xenonresult` WHERE `student_id` = $student_id";
    $result = $wpdb->get_row($query);
    echo "Dear ".$result->", ";

//shortcode begins here
function result_form() {
        $output = display_result_form_fields();
        return $output;
    return ob_get_clean();

add_shortcode('result_form', 'result_form'); //create shortcode
add_filter('widget_text','do_shortcode'); // Enable shortcodes in text widgets

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