I have more than 7500 products in woocommerce with TITLES IN UPPERCASE.
I'd like to change these to "Sentence case"
What would be the best way to apply the script to all titles in the WordPress database?
I have more than 7500 products in woocommerce with TITLES IN UPPERCASE.
I'd like to change these to "Sentence case"
What would be the best way to apply the script to all titles in the WordPress database?
You can do that with a command in your database:
UPDATE `wp_posts` /* Adjust the prefix! */
SET `post_title` = CONCAT(
UCASE( /* First letter uppercase */
`post_title`, 1, 1
LCASE( /* The rest in lowercase */
`post_title`, 2, LENGTH(`post_title`)
If your author has a habit of posting uppercase titles, you can add a filter per plugin to change titles whenever a new post is added:
add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', function( array $data ) {
// list of words not to change
$protected_words = [
if ( empty( $data['post_title'] ) )
return $data;
$words = explode( ' ', $data['post_title'] );
$words = array_map( function( $word ) use ( $protected_words ) {
return in_array( $word, $protected_words )
? $word
: mb_strtolower( $word, 'UTF-8' );
}, $words );
// There is no mb_ucfirst()
$words[0] = mb_convert_case( $words[0], MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8");
$data['post_title'] = join( ' ', $words );
return $data;