Being a programmer from a completely different background, I have some pretty novice questions about wordpress and PHP that I could not find the answers for on the internet, probably because they are too basic. Sorry if some you find these questions way too silly, but I could not find answers for these on the web. Hence asking
I am trying to create a simple login/registration functionality to add to my wordpress site. I could not find a plugin doing that. All I found is plugins helping to customize the admin login page of wordpress (like CustomLogin). Is there one that can help me?
I saw some functions named 'signon', and 'isusersignedin' and a table called wp_users in the database. Can these functions be used for my purpose or are they reserved only for the admin login of the wordpress website? I am also unlcear about what is the difference between wp-admin and wp-login. They both allow for the site to be edited byt the admin
Trying to implement it on my own in PHP, I seem to be really confused about the PHP structure that wordpress uses. For example, while implementing a registration form, I will need a page that takes the input from the post method and writes a new row to the database table. For that I cannot use the regular template that I am using for all my pages. Do I have to create a new template page for just this one extra thing? Isn't there some way of just calling an extra function somewhere based on some condition
Thanks & Regards Rahul