I know that WordPress can filter shortcodes like the_content but is it possible to filter get_the_content?

I have a function that is able to use substr and strpos and I know it works on the_title. I tried the same thing for get_the_title but I couldn't get it to work.

Is it possible for the same to work on get_the_title?

Code I have so far:

function gg_short_title($title) {
// This can return false, so check there is something
$linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' —'));
$linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' –'));
$linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' |'));
$linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' -'));
$short_title = implode('', $linkt);
if ($short_title) {
    return $short_title;

// Else just return the normal title
return $title; 
add_filter('get_the_title', 'gg_short_title', 10, 1);


  • Can you give an example of the title input and expected output? It looks like you're trying to do something with a title containing an em dash, en dash, vertical bar, or a regular dash.
    – cowgill
    Commented Oct 30, 2016 at 1:23
  • Title before: AMD reveals Radeon Pro 400 series GPU specs, as used in new MacBook Pro | Ars Technica Title after: AMD reveals Radeon Pro 400 series GPU specs, as used in new MacBook Pro Commented Oct 30, 2016 at 1:42
  • Yep. Didn't work $linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' —')); $linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' –')); $linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' |')); $linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' -')); $linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' —')); $linkt[] = substr($title, 0, strpos($title, ' |')); Commented Oct 30, 2016 at 3:27
  • Thx. Did you also try matching against HTML all entities (e.g. —, etc)?
    – cowgill
    Commented Oct 30, 2016 at 3:29

2 Answers 2


The function the_title() is just a wrapper around the function get_the_title().

It's understandably confusing that the filter the_title actually exists inside get_the_title(). So, whatever the function you're using to actually display it, it doesn't matter, you can filter its content by hooking into the_title


In addition to moraleida's answer, here's a shorter way to match and output your titles.

Note - It will split the string on the first match it finds so if there are multiple '|' or 'em dash' characters, that could be a problem (even for your original code).

function gg_short_title( $title ) {

  if ( 1 === preg_match( '(—|–|||-|\|)', $title, $matches ) ) {
    $short_title = explode( $matches[0], $title, 2 );
    $title = trim( $short_title[0] );

  return $title;
add_filter( 'the_title', 'gg_short_title', 10, 1 );

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