I'd like to have my newest comments listed first but nothing seems to be working. In the dashboard I set

enter image description here

In comments.php I have

<?php wp_list_comments(array(
    'reverse_top_level' => true,
    'callback'      =>  'custom_comments_callback',
    'avatar_size'   =>  50,
    'reply_text'    =>  'Reply to this comment'
    )); ?>

And In functions.php I added

if (!function_exists('custom_reverse_comments')) {
    function custom_reverse_comments($comments) {
        return array_reverse($comments);

And still the oldest comments are shown on top. For an example, see this introduction to SPSS.

Oddly, the final result is different (better but not perfect) on a local version of my website with the exact same settings/files.

1 Answer 1


You have no need callback function. Only reverse_top_level: true is find for what you want to do. Just remove 'callback' => 'custom_comments_callback', from your array.

<?php wp_list_comments(array(
   'reverse_top_level' => true,
   'avatar_size'   =>  50,
   'reply_text'    =>  'Reply to this comment'
)); ?>
  • what about functions.php and the dashboard? Just removing the callback line doesn't help. In fact, it seems to remove some of the CSS applied to the comment list.
    – RubenGeert
    Commented Jun 5, 2016 at 10:53

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