I have a settings page which includes a setting with a more complicated callback function to save.
Save data
To save the data I use the register_setting()
function with a custom sanitize callback. I implemented it exactly as the WordPress settings API explains so this works fine.
Remove data from option
To remove data from this option array I use jQuery in combination with an AJAX callback function.
The problem
The problem is that I cannot use update_option()
(in my AJAX callback) when the register_setting()
is also active. I know this because when I comment out the register_setting()
function, the update_option()
suddenly works well, where it with the register_setting() uncommented deletes the option.
Does anyone have experience with this problem and knows what I can do to use both functions to update the option?
Setup and register setting
function gtp_init_theme_options() {
$page = 'services-settings-page';
* Services settings sections and fields
$section = 'installing_settings_section';
// Add installation settings section
add_settings_section( $section, _x( 'Installing', 'Measure and installing', 'gtp_translate' ), 'gtp_display_installing_settings_section', $page );
// Add and register installation areas
$id = 'installing_data';
add_settings_field( $id, __( 'Installing data', 'gtp_translate' ), 'gtp_settings_installing_data_fields', $page, $section, array( 'id' => $id, 'label_for' => $id ) );
register_setting( 'services-theme-settings', $id, 'gtp_register_installing_data_setting' );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'gtp_init_theme_options' );
The sanitize callback called by the register_setting()
* Sanatizes callback for saving installation areas
function gtp_register_installing_data_setting() {
// Initialize object
$installing = new Installing();
$error = false;
// Check if country isset
if ( ! empty( $_POST['existing_country'] ) ) {
$country = strtolower( $_POST['existing_country'] );
} elseif ( ! empty( $_POST['country'] ) ) {
$country = strtolower( $_POST['country'] );
} else {
$error = true;
// Check if zipcode isset
if ( ! empty( $_POST['existing_zipcode_area'] ) ) {
$range = $_POST['existing_zipcode_area'];
} elseif ( ! empty( $_POST['zipcode_from'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['zipcode_to'] ) ) {
$range = $_POST['zipcode_from'] . '-' . $_POST['zipcode_to'];
} else {
$error = true;
// Check if product isset
if ( ! empty( $_POST['existing_product'] ) ) {
$product = strtolower( $_POST['existing_product'] );
} elseif ( ! empty( $_POST['product'] ) ) {
$product = strtolower( $_POST['product'] );
} else {
$error = true;
// Check if price isset
if ( ! empty( $_POST['price'] ) ) {
$price = str_replace( ',', '.', $_POST['price'] );
} else {
$error = true;
// No errors
if ( ! $error ) {
// Add row to data array
$installing->addRow( $country, $range, $product, $price );
// Return data array
return $installing->getData();
AJAX callback function
* Remove installing data in admin AJAX handle
function gtp_remove_installing_data() {
// Initialize object
$installing = new Installing();
// Remove product
if ( ! empty( $_POST['country'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['zipcode_area'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['product'] ) ) {
$installing->removeRow( $_POST['country'], $_POST['zipcode_area'], $_POST['product'] );
// Remove zipcode area
elseif ( ! empty( $_POST['country'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['zipcode_area'] ) ) {
$installing->removeRow( $_POST['country'], $_POST['zipcode_area'] );
// Remove country
elseif ( ! empty( $_POST['country'] ) ) {
$installing->removeRow( $_POST['country'] );
// Update
add_action( 'wp_ajax_remove_installing_data', 'gtp_remove_installing_data' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_remove_installing_data', 'gtp_remove_installing_data' );
I have attached an image of the settings screen for your imagination what kind of project I am working on.