I am creating a "wine database",k to call it somehow.... Basically there is a custom post type called "wines", and then it has attributes as vintage, grape color..... and also, "region" and "producer". I have created those two last ones as custom post types because the user needs to be able to create a "producer" and "region" page/post through the dashboard, basically, they want the same elements than when you create a new post.
I am not allow to work with any plugin (paid or not) or any theme, so I have to hard code everything.
The fact is.... I have tried to create them as taxonomies, but then I couldn't work out how to add all the functionality a post or a page has trough the dashboard, as it only comes with title, slug, and description...
Well, now my problem is, I have created meta boxes with dropdowns, so when you are creating a new wine, you select the region and the producer in the meta box. Problem? it just save the producer :S as soon as I select the region, and I try to update, the selected option becomes unselected again.
Any suggestion about why is it happening? And in case there is something going on with wp_dropdown_pages, as it is the only thing makes me thing it can be wrong.... any other solution suggested?
Thank you!!
So here I register my custom post-types:
add_action('init', function(){
$labels = array(
"name" => "Producers",
"singular_name" => "Producer",
"menu_name" => "Producers",
"all_items" => "All Producers",
"add_new" => "Add New",
"add_new_item" => "Add New Producers",
"edit" => "Edit",
"edit_item" => "Edit Producer",
"new_item" => "New Producer",
"view" => "View",
"view_item" => "View Producer",
"search_items" => "Search Producers",
"not_found" => "No Producers Found",
"not_found_in_trash" => "No Producers Found in Trash",
"parent" => "Parent Producers",
$args = array(
"labels" => $labels,
"description" => "",
"public" => true,
"show_ui" => true,
"has_archive" => true,
"show_in_menu" => true,
"exclude_from_search" => false,
"capability_type" => "post",
"map_meta_cap" => true,
"hierarchical" => true,
"rewrite" => array( "slug" => "producers", "with_front" => true ),
"query_var" => true,
"supports" => array(
register_post_type( "producer", $args );
$labels = array(
"name" => "Wines",
"singular_name" => "Wine",
$args = array(
"labels" => $labels,
"description" => "",
"public" => true,
"show_ui" => true,
"has_archive" => true,
"show_in_menu" => true,
"exclude_from_search" => false,
"capability_type" => "post",
"map_meta_cap" => true,
"hierarchical" => false,
"rewrite" => array( "slug" => "wines", "with_front" => true ),
"query_var" => true,
"supports" => array(
register_post_type( "wines", $args );
$labels = array(
"name" => "Regions",
"singular_name" => "Region",
"menu_name" => "Regions",
"all_items" => "All Regions",
"add_new" => "Add New",
"add_new_item" => "Add Region",
"edit" => "Edit",
"edit_item" => "Edit Region",
"new_item" => "Region",
"view" => "View",
"view_item" => "View Region",
"search_items" => "Search Regions",
"not_found" => "No Region Found",
"not_found_in_trash" => "No Region Found in Trash",
"parent" => "Parent Country",
$args = array(
"labels" => $labels,
"description" => "",
"public" => true,
"show_ui" => true,
"has_archive" => true,
"show_in_menu" => true,
"exclude_from_search" => false,
"capability_type" => "post",
"map_meta_cap" => true,
"hierarchical" => true,
"rewrite" => array( "slug" => "regions", "with_front" => true ),
"query_var" => true,
"supports" => array(
register_post_type( "region", $args );
Here I register the metaboxes with the dropdowns:
add_action('add_meta_boxes', function() {
add_meta_box('wines2-parent', 'regions', 'wines_attributes_meta_box2', 'wines', 'side', 'default');
function wines_attributes_meta_box2($post) {
$pages = wp_dropdown_pages(array('post_type' => 'region', 'selected' => $post->post_parent, 'name' => 'parent_id', 'show_option_none' => __('(no parent)'), 'sort_column'=> 'menu_order, post_title', 'echo' => 0));
if ( ! empty($pages) ) {
echo $pages;
} // end empty pages check
add_action('add_meta_boxes', function() {
add_meta_box('wines-parent', 'producers', 'wines_attributes_meta_box', 'wines', 'side', 'default');
function wines_attributes_meta_box($post) {
$pages = wp_dropdown_pages(array('post_type' => 'producer', 'selected' => $post->post_parent, 'name' => 'parent_id', 'show_option_none' => __('(no parent)'), 'sort_column'=> 'menu_order, post_title', 'echo' => 0));
if ( ! empty($pages) ) {
echo $pages;
} // end empty pages check