I want to use WP 4.x as a framework to build a small Student system. I do not wish to use an existing plugin. My needs are unique, and these do not do what I need.
In my design, I have Students and Classes. I thought these should be two content types, but I am not sure. I looked at a plugin online that created special tables for student registration and classes with SQL, yet in my reading I see others creating custom post types, no SQL, nothing like traditional database table creation outside of WP built in functions.
I do not wish to use Post 2 Post, if at all possible. But I want to have one student, many classes.
I have seen,
Creating a relationship between two post types
TV Show database - Best way for structuring it?
Incomplete answer for me:
Custom post type Vs. data in own table
I am specifically looking for help with how to structure Students and Classes. I'm just not sure if WP is the correct tool.
Should I use custom post types or a custom database tables for plugin development?
But my question is different because of the custom post type vs new tables. What do I do? Custom Post Types or unique tables with SQL tying them together in a display?