I want to save some parameters in the widget options which are then passed into another page. The widget is a form which calls a webservice.
The options I want to pass are the authentication for the webservice which is currently hard coded into the results page (done as a template). Therefore they should be hidden from the website user.
Code from the widget/plugin:
function widget($args, $instance){
$title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? 'Choose a service' : $instance['title']);
$lineOne = empty($instance['username']) ? '' : $instance['username'];
$lineTwo = empty($instance['password']) ? '' : $instance['password'];
# Before the widget
echo $before_widget; // etc...
Results page...
$url = "http://www.nhs.uk/NHSCWS/Services/ServicesSearch.aspx?user=".[USERNAME]."&pwd=".[PASSWORD]."&q=".$_POST['PostCode']."&type=".$_POST['ServiceType']."";
Still learning how WP hangs together, so sorry for the n00b question.