I have a next_image_link
and previous_image_link
as a navigation on my image.php but I want the first and last image to echo greyed out text (disabled button) to show prev button and next button.
Right now, my code doesn't echo it when you are in the first or last image.
< | next >
I want to display something like this (where the bold text is a link) when you are in the first image
< previous | next >
And like this when you are in the last
< previous | next >
Currenty, I have this code:
next_image_link( false, '<div class="next-image">' . '<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> <span>PREV</span>' . '</div>' );
previous_image_link( false, '<div class="previous-image">' . '<span>NEXT</span> <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>' . '</div>' );