I'm building a plugin where I add a tab to the media manager and can add stuff from another source. I add the tab with this, which generates a iframe:
add_filter('media_upload_tabs', 'add_myUpload_tab');
function add_myUpload_tab($tabs) {
$tabs['myTab'] = "My tab";
Return $tabs;
add_action('media_upload_myTab', 'add_myUpload_save_page');
function add_myUpload_save_page() {
wp_iframe( 'myTab_save_frame' );
function myTab_save_frame()
echo media_upload_header();
?><iframe to my other source/><?php
/*** More code below ***/
So, in short there's an iframe in the iframe. :) The wp codex had an iframe in the example but I know it works without it. Any how.
When I play around in my iframe and in this presses a button, this page in the iframe sends a message. In the "More code below" I wrote above, I have this code:
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
//Setup variables
var answer = event.data,
wp = parent.wp;
answer.url = answer.url.replace(/\.\w+$/ig,'');
var data = {
'action': 'add_my_image',
'file': answer.url
jQuery.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response) {
alert('My image was uploaded');
/** From here and i below I want to do my wp.media stuff **/
And yes, I'm aware I'm not sending a nonce. This is just for testing. Everything works. What Ii now want to achieve is to get wp.media to refresh the library in the "Add media" -> "library" tab. And this is where I fail.
I found this thread but nothing here really helps. As you can see, since I am in the wp_iframe i have declared wp as parent.wp to call the wp.media stuff.
So far I have achieved to change the state so it's displaying the library, but not refreshed. I can do this with:
but the strange thing is that after this no more js is running. If I, for example, add the line console.log('Hello world'); after this line the console is silent.
Therefore I suspect I have to refresh it before I set the state?
Any ideas how to select another frame/state/tab (the library one), refresh it and (if possible - not necessary) switch to it?