I'm writing a plugin of which one aspect is the deletion of a custom option in the Options table. The situation is complicated by the fact that the custom option is an array, not just a variable/value. The data is stored in an options field with the name:


My test data currently contains two items in the array:


These were added by the user selecting a number of options in a form in the main plugin file. In my test data the two values are '10' and '605'.

I am not sure how to go about removing an item from the array. E.g. if the user selects '605' to delete, how do I remove that name/value from the array, leaving all the others?

I have read up on delete_option and update_option but neither are making an awful lot of sense to me at the moment!

UPDATE -based on MMK's help below, here's the code:

$toremove = 605 // I actually use a var like so $toremove = $_REQUEST['somevar']; I'm just using 605 as an example
$selectid = get_option('swcs_postpage_id');
$key = array_search ($toremove, $selectid);
update_option(swcs_postpage_id, $selectid);
  • Your option swcs_postpage_id contains an array. If your user selects 605 then simply do a search like so and unset your value unset( key( $your_var_containing_deletion_key ) - 1 ); More info on key: php.net/manual/en/function.key.php" and on unset: php.net/manual/en/function.unset.php
    – MMK
    Commented Oct 12, 2015 at 12:41
  • Thanks MMK (again) - I'm just bout to edited my post to reflect your answer.
    – Kev
    Commented Oct 12, 2015 at 14:09
  • You can post an answer to your own question which is more appropriate than adding it to the question.
    – kraftner
    Commented Oct 12, 2015 at 14:19

1 Answer 1


based on MMK's help below, here's the code:

$toremove = 605 // I actually use a var like so $toremove = $_REQUEST['somevar']; I'm just using 605 as an example
$selectid = get_option('swcs_postpage_id');
$key = array_search ($toremove, $selectid);
update_option(swcs_postpage_id, $selectid);

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