I built a custom calculator using html5, css3, and jQuery. I have it live and it works well but now someone would like to put my calc on their WP website and we can not figure out how to get it on his WP site.
I created a calculator.php page template and put my .html code in the content area of calculator.php. Then I created a page in WP and selected the template from page attributes.
I can now see my custom made calculator on the page but do not have any styling and the jQuery does not work.
I tried loading the HTML, CSS and JS all inside the content area of my calculator.php page template so I would not have to enqueue anything but it does not work 100%. It does have some styling now and some JS works but not 100%. It seems to be getting overridden by the main themes CSS.
So now I thought I would try to enqueue my CSS and JS onto calculaotr.php page.
How would I go about enqueueing Scripts and Styles to a specific page template that holds my HTML?
PHP is so confusing to me. I created a directory inside of my theme folder called calc and inside of calc I have folders called CSS and JS.
Path to my css /public_html/wp-content/themes/parallaxpro/calc/css/main.css
Path to my js /public_html/wp-content/themes/parallaxpro/calc/js/main.js
Thanks for any help!!!