I want to check if special user id is logged in WordPress. i know we have a function name is_user_logged_in() but we can't change the id of user logged in, in this function.
I need a function like this:
and check it like this:
if ( is_special_user_logged_in() ){
echo 'special user is online';
i can get the user id in one of bbpress file (loop-single-reply.php) by this code. get_post_field( 'post_author', bbp_get_reply_id() ); .Now i want to check if this user id logged in wordpress show a text like "this user is online". Note that i want to check it in another user logged in WordPress. it's mean if "USER A" logged in wordpress show a text to "USER B" that "USER A" is now logged in wordpress.
finally want to inform USER A about login status of USER B