I am pretty new to WP and I have not had to deal with any overly complex content structures as of yet. Until now.
I'm trying to figure out the right mix of Custom Post Types, Taxonomies, Pages, etc. to effectively display and organize the content. Here's an example of content with a deep hierarchy to deal with:
Actual Book
Data for the book
I have a breadcrumb that needs to reflect that depth, so that's another piece of the puzzle. Each of those levels would have their own archive-like list. Collecting would show siblings of Publishing, Publishing will show siblings of Books, Books will show all publishers/series, Publisher/Series will show a list of all the books in that series. So, I'm not able to just fake rewrites or something like that. All of these pages will have content.
So, the question is, what sort of data types do I assign to each of those levels? How do I utilize CPTs, taxonomies, parent/child relationships to pull something like this off? And then it also has to make sense on the admin side for the people adding the content. Whew! :-D
I have looked and looked for tutorials and examples of complex content structures like this and have yet to find anything helpful. If I ever get this figured out, I'll be doing my own tutorial series on it! :-)
Thanks! Matt