I posted this on Stackoverflow and as suggested I am reposting it here if thats ok. Didnt knew there was a Wordpress section of the site :)

I am working on a Wordpress theme and want to give the option to choose between a boxed layout and a full width layout.

For this purpose I created a variable in my header.php:

        $isBoxedLayout = true;

Down in the body I am asking if the variable is set:

<?php if($isBoxedLayout) { echo '<div id="boxed">'; } ?>
<?php if($isBoxedLayout) { echo '</div>'; } ?>

This works fine so far. But now I also want to change some css styles if this variable is set. My problem is that I am not so good in PHP yet so my solution would be something like this:

        $isBoxedLayout = true;
    if ($isBoxedLayout) {
        echo '<style type="text/css">';
        echo '#container {width:999px;}';
        echo '</style>';

But I think this is not good programming because my header.php file would soon be full of code and confusing if I would add some other options. So logically I should create a variable or an array maybe in the functions.php file and outsource my code like this:

$isBoxedLayout = true;

if ($isBoxedLayout) {
    function boxed_css_styles() {
        echo '<style type="text/css">';
        echo '#container {width:999px;}';
        echo '</style>';

Is my thinking right? And if so how would I access the functions I create in my index.php or header.php or whatever. Or would it work to print the styles in the functions.php?

1 Answer 1


Use the function body_class() in your templates:

<body <?php body_class(); ?>>

This creates extra classes on the body element. Then filter its values in your functions.php:

add_filter( 'body_class', function( Array $classes ) {

    if ( $GLOBALS[ 'isBoxedLayout' ] )
        $classes[] = 'isBoxedLayout';

    return $classes;

Now you can move all CSS declarations for that to your stylesheet:

.isBoxedLayout #container {

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