I am using wp-store-locator plugin and I want to add plugin directory path to my JS.

html = "<li data-store-id='" + id + "'><div><p>" + storeImg + "<strong>" + store + "</strong><span class='wpsl-street'>" + address + "</span>" + address2 + city + " " + state + " " + zip + "</p>" + moreInfo + "<span><a href='plugin-urlpath/store-listings.php' class='more-details'>More details</a></span></div></li>";

return html;

How can I do that ? Plugin path is at the end of html.


This what I have done :

wp_enqueue_script( 'wpsl-gmap', ( "//maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&libraries=places&language=" . $this->settings['api_language'] ), false, '', true ); 
wp_localize_script('wpsl-gmap', 'wpsl-gmap', array('pluginsUrl' => plugins_url(,__FILE__)));

Then Added this line to wpsl-gmap.js

var href = wpsl-gmap.pluginsUrl + '/path/to/resource';
html = "<li data-store-id='" + id + "'><div><p>" + storeImg + "<strong>" + store + "</strong><span class='wpsl-street'>" + address + "</span>" + address2 + city + " " + state + " " + zip + "</p>" + moreInfo + "<span><a href='" + href + "' class='more-details'>More details</a></span></div></li>";

It is giving no errors.But it is also not showing me the store location as well.

NOTE It was showing properly before doing this.

1 Answer 1


Use wp_localize_script() to pass any kind of data to your loaded scripts, in this case we need plugins_url():

wp_enqueue_script('my-script', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/my-script.js');
wp_localize_script('my-script', 'myScript', array(
    'pluginsUrl' => plugins_url(),

Now you will have access to myScript.pluginsUrl in your script file:

var href = myScript.pluginsUrl + '/path/to/resource';
  • 3
    First, the second argument of wp_localize_script is the object name or variable name that will be accessible in JS and this name should contain only valid characters and the dash - is not, so try wp_localize_script('wpsl-gmap', 'wpslGmap' .. instead. Second, I dont know if this is a typo, but first argument must be provided in plugins_url() to pass the second argument, so fix your code to plugins_url('', __FILE__).
    – Ahmad M
    Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 18:11

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