Looking at the last revision of the plugin (381724) the problem is Too many spaces
every time you want to create this structure:
function blabla(){
<= space
in your code use TAB and not spaces.
Here is you code where i replaced all spaces with tabs and i do not get any messages at activation:
Plugin Name: Facebook Send Button By Teknoblogo.com
Plugin URI: http://www.teknoblogo.com/facebook-gonder-butonu-eklenti
Description: Adds Facebook's Send and Like buttons to your posts ! Author : <a href="http://www.teknoblogo.com">teknoblogo.com</a>
Version: 1.3
Author: Eray Alakese
Author URI: http://www.teknoblogo.com
License: GPL2
wp_register_script('fgb_script', "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1");
function fgb_ayarlari_yap()
add_option('fgb_yer', 'u');
add_option('fgb_buton', 'snl');
add_option('fgb_manual', 'hayir');
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'fgb_ayarlari_yap' );
function fgb_ayarlari_sil()
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'fgb_ayarlari_sil' );
function fgb_ekle($content)
$fgb_yer = get_option('fgb_yer');
$fgb_buton_opt = get_option('fgb_buton');
$fgb_manual = get_option('fgb_manual');
$fgb_perma = rawurlencode(get_permalink());
$fgb_send_button = "<fb:send href=\"$fgb_perma\" font=\"\"></fb:send>";
$fgb_like_button = "<fb:like href=\"$fgb_perma\" send=\"false\" width=\"450\" show_faces=\"true\" font=\"\"></fb:like>";
$fgb_snl_button = "<fb:like href=\"$fgb_perma\" send=\"true\" width=\"450\" show_faces=\"true\" font=\"\"></fb:like>";
if($fgb_buton_opt == "send")
$fgb_buton = $fgb_send_button;
elseif($fgb_buton_opt == "like")
$fgb_buton = $fgb_like_button;
elseif($fgb_buton_opt == "snl")
$fgb_buton = $fgb_snl_button;
echo "Buton türü alınamadı!";
if ($fgb_manual=="hayir"){
if ($fgb_yer == "u")
$content = $fgb_buton."<br />".$content;
elseif ($fgb_yer == "a")
$content = $content."<br />".$fgb_buton;
return $content;
echo $fgb_buton;
if (get_option('fgb_manual')=="hayir"){ add_filter( "the_content", "fgb_ekle" ); }
add_action('admin_menu', 'fgb_admin_menu');
function fgb_admin_menu() {
add_options_page('Facebook Send Button', 'Facebook Send Button', 'manage_options', 'fgb', 'fgb_admin_options');
function fgb_admin_options() {
if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.') );
echo '<div class="wrap">';
<h2>Facebook Send & Like Button</h2>
echo "<h3>saved</h3>";
update_option('fgb_yer', $_POST["fgb_yer"]);
update_option('fgb_buton', $_POST["fgb_buton"]);
update_option('fgb_manual', $_POST["fgb_manual"]);
$fgb_admin_yer = get_option('fgb_yer');
$fgb_admin_buton = get_option('fgb_buton');
$fgb_admin_manual = get_option('fgb_manual');
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>" method="POST">
Show Facebook buttons <select name="fgb_yer">
<option value="u" <?php if($fgb_admin_yer == "u"){echo "SELECTED";}?>>before content</option>
<option value="a" <?php if($fgb_admin_yer == "a"){echo "SELECTED";}?>>after content</option>
</select> and i want <select name="fgb_buton">
<option value="snl" <?php if($fgb_admin_buton=="snl"){echo "SELECTED";}?>>send and like buttons together</option>
<option value="send" <?php if($fgb_admin_buton=="send"){echo "SELECTED";}?>>just send button</option>
<option value="like" <?php if($fgb_admin_buton=="like"){echo "SELECTED";}?>>just like button</option>
</select> . <br />
<input type="radio" value="hayir" name="fgb_manual" <?php if($fgb_admin_manual=="hayir"){echo "CHECKED";}?> /> put buttons for me, AUTOMATICALLY <br />
<input type="radio" value="evet" name="fgb_manual" <?php if($fgb_admin_manual=="evet"){echo "CHECKED";}?> /> i can put them, MANUALLY <br />
<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="fgb_gonder" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" />
<br />If you use <strong>manuel insertion</strong> , you have to add this code to your theme :
<strong><?php if(function_exists('fgb_ekle')) { fgb_ekle(); }?></strong>
<hr />
<em>If you like this plugin, please <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/facebook-send-like-button/">vote</a> .
Author : <a href="http://www.teknoblogo.com">Eray Alakese</a>
You can <a href="mailto:[email protected]">mail me</a> for bugs, thanks.</em>
echo '</div>';
activate_plugin method
. The content of the $output variable will show you the data loaded into the Exception invariably being thrown, and then obfuscated by wordpress.