I am in need to do some operation if user clicks on Network Activate button on my WP Plugin (in WP Multisite).

But I noticed that Wordpress's is_plugin_active_for_network function not working for multisites when I press the Network Activate button from the Main Administrator Panel.

It returns nothing, and hence the


is not fulfilled.

However when the Network is already Network Activated then the function - is_plugin_active_for_network is working fine (It returns 1 - i.e. true).

Can anyone please tell me how can I check whether the Network Activate button is clicked by the main administrator?

1 Answer 1


You need to check that when you are activating the plugin. WordPress will send a Boolean flag to let your function know that this is a network wide activation.

register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'activate' );

function activate( $network_wide ) {

    // $network_wide will be TRUE if activation is network wide
    if ( $network_wide  ) {

        ... Do Stuff ...



  • It doesn't work. I am using OOP approach in activating the plugin. $network_wide does not have any value all the times.
    – Thompson
    Commented Aug 23, 2014 at 18:59

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