I am trying to set background image from meta value.I am successful also.But if the meta image is not set the out put

<div id="pricing" style="background: url('')"></div>

But I do not want to show background: url('') if there is not meta value is set.My code to get image

        $bgimage= get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'settings_image', true );
        $img=background-image: url('.wp_get_attachment_url( $bgimage ).');

To display style="<?php echo $img;?>" I have tried

    $img=background-image: url('.wp_get_attachment_url( $bgimage ).');

1 Answer 1


try using an empty condition

$bgimage= get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'settings_image', true );
if (!empty($bgimage)) {
    $imgURL = wp_get_attachment_url( $bgimage );
   ?>background: url('<?php echo $img ?>')<?php } ?>

That should work as it checks to see if there is anything stored in the meta and will not print the background: url('') if there is no data.

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