Working on real estate project.Here i am facing a problem with new email registration when user register with site admin getting some fields blank.i am using Group but plugin and also in back end under Group Buying Plugin > Account tab getting warning to city ,state colum like:
Warning: Illegal string offset 'city' in /home/reddvise/public_html/app/wp-content/plugins/group-buying/controllers/groupBuyingAccounts.class.php on line 299.
I am using word press version 3.4.1 with Group buying plugin Version 3.5.1
Getting Email like below example:- New user registration on your site Reddvise Real Estate:
User Id: 243 Username: sanjay
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile No. :
Address :
City :
State :
Pin Code :
Country :
public static function column_display( $column_name, $id ) {
global $post;
$account = Group_Buying_Account::get_instance_by_id($id);
if ( !$account )
return; // return for that temp post
$user = Group_Buying_Account::get_user_id_for_account($account->get_ID());
$user_data = get_userdata($user);
$address = $account->get_address();
switch ( $column_name ) {
case 'id':
echo $id;
case 'username':
echo get_avatar( $user_data->user_email, '35' );
$get_name = $account->get_name();
$name = ( strlen($get_name) <= 1 ) ? $post->post_title : $get_name;
echo '<strong><a href="'.get_edit_post_link().'">'.$name.'</a></strong><br/>';
case 'user':
echo '<a href="'.admin_url("user-edit.php?user_id=".$user).'">'.$user_data->user_login.'</a>';
case 'state':
echo $address['zone'];
case 'city': //on this line getting a warning
echo $address['city'];
# code...