Currently our portfolio is stacking up a lot and want to show a few projects less instead of showing all. Still, I'd like to show an indication how many projects we did in total. Currently I have the following code and need to count the drafts & published posts.

        $count_projects = wp_count_posts( 'apps' );
        $published_projects = $count_projects->publish;
        $total = $published_projects + 11;

How can I count all drafts & published posts together?

1 Answer 1


In this line you are getting only the count of published items (obviously!!!!):

$published_projects = $count_projects->publish;

You should do something like this:

$count_projects = wp_count_posts( 'apps' );
$published_projects = $count_projects->publish;
$draft_projects = $count_projects->draft;
$total = $published_projects + $draft_projects;

More details and examples in wp_count_posts() reference.


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