i'm trying to get the author name using the "the_author_meta" function. After doing that I need to pass the value inside an array and return that with "json_encode".

Let me show:

$autor_id = $post->post_author;
$autor_name = the_author_meta('user_nicename', $autor_id);
echo $autor_name;

The $autor_name echo works fine but when i do the following code it returns null on my script:


$results['author'] = $autor_name;
$posts[] = $results;

return json_encode($posts);

it returns that: "author":null

How can i make it display the author name like: "author":admin?

1 Answer 1


The echoing is already done by the_author_meta().

echo $autor_name does nothing.

Correct would be to use get_the_author_meta().

  • Hi Scribu, first thanks for your fast reply. I feel really stupid hehe. Anyway I did the echo using the following code: $userid = $post->post_author; $userdata = get_userdata($userid); and then $userdata->user_nicename worked perfectly here too. But thanks a lot for the information Commented Apr 4, 2011 at 2:54

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