I have to achieve something on which I don't know how to approach it.
Base of the issue:
There's a bunch of data in another DB that I have to import into WP which so far wasn't possible due to them being multiple arrays that have to be repeated into fields(Advanced Custom Fields). As far as my research has gone I have not found an importer that supports them.
The problem:
Since I haven't found a solution and i'm not that far into developing WP(average maybe). The issue with WP (as far as I can compare with a self made CMS) is that it requires a certain format of the data that is inserted in the DB as it probably converts it when importing, thus you can't force plain data into it's DB. As well as i'll probably not be able to just do a query on which I do a query of for example SELECT * FROM ...
to then show it on a plain page with a button that on click does INSERT INTO wp_postmeta
The Questions
How can I achieve entering data from the secondary DB into the WP custom fields? As well as where do I even start researching how to do this? It probably is a core related thing and it also feels like I might need to create a plugin for this, please advice me as much as possible.
Instead of a table example i'll show an example of where the issue would commence:
As you can see there are multiple fields with a button to add even more in the DB I have a data that is inserted in the same way for instance:
Adress 1 Adress 2 Adress 3 Adress 4 Adress 5 Adress 6
Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5 Data 6
Thanks in advance!