I'm working on a basic plugin that adds shortcodes for columns, buttons, panels, ect. Nothing new here. I haven't altered wpautop in anyway; I've tried removing it and delaying it - no change. What happens with all shortcodes used is, the first paragraph isn't wrapped within a p tag (the p tags are actually appearing directly after the first paragraph and empty), but all paragraphs after the first within the same shortcode ARE wrapped in p tags. I need to figure out WHY the first paragraph isn't being wrapped.


function vc_shortcode_panel($atts, $content = null) {
  extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    'type' => ''
  ), $atts) );
 return '<div class="panel ' . $type . '">' . do_shortcode( trim($content) ) . '</div>';
add_shortcode('panel', 'vc_shortcode_panel');


[panel type=""]paragraph 1

paragraph 2[/panel]

Output looks like this:

<div class="panel">
  paragraph 1
  <p>paragraph 2</p>

I know if I add a line break between the [panel] and the first paragraph, it will then wrap that first paragraph in a p tag. But shouldn't shortcodes be able to be formatted correctly without requiring that line break? What am I doing wrong and can anyone tell me why this is happening?

1 Answer 1


This is actually an example of the wpautop() function's intended purpose. From the Codex:

Changes double line-breaks in the text into HTML paragraphs (<p>...</p>).

Note that the example provided in the Codex explicitly uses a string that begins with a line-break for this very purpose:

$some_long_text = // Start Text
Some long text
that has many lines

and paragraphs in it.
// end text

echo wpautop($some_long_text);

The above results in following markup:

<p>Some long text<br/>
that has many lines</p>
<p>and paragraphs in it.</p>

The reasoning behind this functionality is that double line-breaks in HTML markup are interpreted as generic whitespace and render as a single line-break in the DOM. In order to properly display a double line-break, you either have to insert <br /> elements or make use of default paragraph-element styling, which is what WordPress does.

As the first line of your example contains no line-breaks, no paragraph or <br /> elements are added, as no line-break formatting needs to be preserved.

See the wpautop() function's source for the exact implementation.

  • On a side note, I copied and pasted that example verbatim, but it really should have quotation marks around the $some_long_text string; in it's present form it is not valid PHP.
    – bosco
    Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 1:21
  • 1
    But why would the first <p></p> be empty? Should it not be there then? Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 1:25
  • Huh. You're right - that is something funky! I can't honestly account for that... I don't believe that that this is an intended product of the wpautop() function... you may have stumbled across a bug, unless this is how the core devs have chosen to maintain that whitespace - I'll have to look into this all further...
    – bosco
    Commented Mar 9, 2014 at 5:34

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