I am querying an advanced custom fields wysiwyg field. Problem is in the output wordpress wraps occasional imgs and iframes with p tags no matter what i try. Deactivate the wpautop works remove_filter ('acf_the_content', 'wpautop');but if i try to exclude only imgs and iframes with the following snippet it fails:

function filter_ptags_on_images($content)
    $content = preg_replace('/<p>\s*(<a .*>)?\s*(<img .* \/>)\s*(<\/a>)?\s*<\/p>/iU', '\1\2\3', $content);
    return preg_replace('/<p>\s*(<iframe .*>*.<\/iframe>)\s*<\/p>/iU', '\1', $content);
add_filter('the_content', 'filter_ptags_on_images');

Does anyone have a suggestion how to accomplish that goal? Best regards Ralf


1 Answer 1


Ok if you want to strip the p tags for img's and iframe's for advanced custom fields you have to exchange the_content with acf_the_content . The code looks that way:

function filter_ptags_on_images($content)
    $content = preg_replace('/<p>\s*(<a .*>)?\s*(<img .* \/>)\s*(<\/a>)?\s*<\/p>/iU', '\1\2\3', $content);
    return preg_replace('/<p>\s*(<iframe .*>*.<\/iframe>)\s*<\/p>/iU', '\1', $content);
add_filter('acf_the_content', 'filter_ptags_on_images');

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