I think I need some guidance here. I have a list of custom posts on a an archive template page that displays information from each of the custom posts. They are looped through using WPQuery:
<?php $restypes = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'reservation_type', 'posts_per_page' => -1 ) );?>
Each post has a several custom fields: $price
, an optional $promo_price
and a variable $per
which determines if the price is per-person or per-room based on a custom taxonomy. The best price is then determined like so:
if(in_array( 'dorm', $per )){
$person_room ='per-person';
} else {
$person_room ='per-room';
$post_id= $post->ID;
$promo_price = get_field('promo_price');
$norm_price = get_field('price');
$p_per_room = get_field('people_per_room');
if ($promo_price && !empty($promo_price)){
if($person_room == 'per-room'){
$addprice= $promo_price /$p_per_room;
} else {
$addprice= $promo_price;
$prices[$post_id]= $addprice;
} elseif ($norm_price && !empty($norm_price)){
if($person_room == 'per-room'){
$addprice= $norm_price /$p_per_room;
} else {
$addprice= $norm_price;
$prices[$post_id]= $addprice;
$best = array_keys($prices, min($prices));
My problem is that the array $best
is not complete until all the posts have been looped through. The point of all this is to be able to add:
if(in_array($post->ID, $best)){?>
<div class="best-price">
<div class="ribbon-wrapper"><div class="ribbon">Best Price</div></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
thus giving a different style to the item with the best price per-person.
My question is would I need to create a separate loop to populate the $best
array in order to do this? Or is there a better way?
I was thinking initially of using the orderby => 'meta_value_num'
having calculated the best price as a function and adding a meta value.
PS The get_field()
function comes from Advanced custom fields.