Hi & thanks in advance to those who could help me sot out he below:
- I have customized my home page, using tpl-home.php to show the authors (eg users...) of the most recent posts - nothing specific yet...-.
- I have customs fields (using ACF) and customs taxonomies, among which the 'member' taxonomy. Some members can be post authors (eg. defined users...) , and I want to create a link from the post author to the corresponding member page (eg. sing-member.php) page. Of course , I defined a custom field within ACF with the post_author ID value, which takes the author/ user_id. In short: I have a custom field 'member_author' with the user_id, pull the post_author value from the list of most recent posts and want to link that to the single-member.php to show the details for the said author if & when he also is amember here are link to my modified home page and to the single-member.php page for the related $post->author / member_author ID
Many thanks again for those patient enough to put me on the right track! Regards, JMB