I just came across this page with almost similar requirements as mine
Multiple endpoints to same page
i have to achieve same functionality but i also want to pass some parameters to the page where all these URL will be map. say example
i want to map them to same URL
along with it i also want to send some other parameters like
- user email
- user name
so that i can use them at that page for my custom logic.i know how to do it in JSP/Java where i can send them as a request parameters in POST request and can reterieve them in the final JSP
how i can achieve this is wordpress using php.my prefrences are not to use any query string.
Or is it possible like if i create URL with like
where user1 etc can be fetched from the database and we can ensure that they will be unique through the application and mapping these URLs to same end point. how can i fetch the username in my final page?
Thanks in advance