I'm dealing with a problem I can't solve myself. I did a few hours of research about it, but I didn't manage to make it work. I want to send a parameter via the url to the page I'm forwarding to and based on the value of this I want to show a image. Im using the Hana Code Insert Plugin to get my js used in WP. I'm relatively new to WP and have little to no knowledge in PHP, so please consider this.
The Hana-contents are as following:
shortcut galleryLink and getSelected_05: http://www.abload.de/gallery.php?key=updfCGrl
The contents of the site are as following:
Gallery: [hana-code-insert name='galleryLink' /] Finished...
|img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-119" alt="" src="http://toat.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/blank-t-shirt_white_big.jpg" width="700" height="700" /| [hana-code-insert name='getSelected_05' /]
Note: I had to replace the <> tags of the img with | in order to show it in this post. I'm looking forward to helpful answers.