Is it possible to "deactivate" a custom post type and then later if you feel like using it again you can simple "activate" it again?

1 Answer 1


Yes, custom post types are registered on the fly, on every request. So you can create an option, say active_custom_post_types and check for that before you register the post type.


$possible_cpts = array( 'book', 'portfolio' );
$active_cpts   = get_option( 'active_custom_post_types' );

if ( ! empty ( $active_cpts ) && is_array( $active_cpts ) )
    foreach ( $active_cpts as $cpt )
         if ( in_array( $cpt, $possible_cpts ) )
            register_post_type( $cpt, get_args_from_somewhere() );

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